Sealine F45 Cruiser Course

Take the controls of the Sealine F43 cruiser

Open to powerboat level 2 and higher qualification

We are offering a unique opportunity with the chance over a 2 day course we have put together to further your experience and knowledge of bigger boats and longer passages.

We will take you through much more in depth navigation on chartwork and how to put a course to steer together which is needed to drive a boat across moving tides. We will show you how to Navigate longer passages using all methods available, including electronic, visual, time, speed and more.

Put together a tidal curve which predicts when an amount of water will be passable over a bank that dries out at low tides.

We will look at weather in more depth to make an informed decision. Check tides and the use of them on longer passages.

Our 2 day cruise event will let you take the controls of the Sealine F43 cruiser while you drive to Bradwell or Brightlingsea.

We will leave Fambridge and navigate out to the North Sea and navigate around the end of the ray sands banks. Use the buoyed safety lane called the Wallett and navigate up to either marina and use the VHF radio & lateral markers to enter.

The journey back will involve leaving the marina and keeping a speed to meet the tidal time to go over the ray sands channel and back into the River Crouch. Returning to Fambridge where, picking up a mooring bouy will be on the agenda.

PRICE: £395



We will introduce you to chart work covering course to steer. This takes in to account the movement of the tide on the vessel and keeps you in a straighter line from way point to way point.

Tidal curves are used to determine at what time you can go over drying out banks or shallow waters.

A run through of the start up procedures and the technique of pulling in and out of bays etc.

The afternoon will be taken up by you producing your own passage plan and then on day 2, driving your plan.


Getting the cruiser ready to go.

Navigate out of the marina through the lateral markers.

From there you determine the course to take.

The 2 days will be based on 4 people attending and split into 2 groups of 2 to work together.

The trip each way will take approximately 2/2.5 hours of which the driving and navigating will be shared between you and your partner.

A one hour stopover for food and drink will be available to purchase at either marina.

All of the above will be taken under the guidance of both Ian and myself. We will take control of all the parking and leaving, you will be involved in ropes etc but from then on you take the controls.

We hope over the 2 days to introduce you to bigger boats with longer more involved passage planning and give the experience of what its like to own your own boat and travel.

The cost is £395 p.p. We must make sure winds are no higher than F4 gusting 5 Westerly and no more than F4 easterly on the days.

Dates for 2025 can be obtained by looking at the website or please email us for the latest information.

A £25 deposit as before will secure your spot. Please let us know by email if you wish to participate. Should weather stop the cruise then an alternative date will be set.

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